First, a short Tutorial. In my coaching discipline Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching, there is something called, The Three Levels of Reality. These are the levels that bring everything into existence. Foundational and Level One is Essence – You feel something, it’s exciting and intriguing, often these feeling fade out. Sometimes though they linger and we engage another in the idea, Level Two is Dream – In this level we engage the other/others. Together words and ideas begin to give texture and energy to the idea and formation begins. Sometimes though even during Level Two, things fade away. Sometimes though the dream grows and in Level Three – Consensus Reality, you start a business, get the marriage license or clean a closet, start a healthy eating plan – consensus reality.
The Three Levels of Reality work for everything from relationships to business to a purchase or changing a behavior. If we have not discovered the essence and dream of something, the hard work of consensus reality can break us, or contribute to its failure.
2021 looms before us, a blank slate ready to hold our dreams and those dreaded failures. This week I invite you to stand in essence. To discover the feelings and possibilities that wait as a result of this idea. If they fade away let them go and allow space for something else to emerge. Resist holding tightly In January – the First Step to achieving anything – is to find it in your heart. Write it out.
Here is what there is for me. As Suzanne heads to Springfield as the next State Representative in the 66th District, our business, Forward Effect, continues marching towards 2021 without her full energy. In long discussions we decided to transfer ownership to me and she will fade into the background.
The Dream of Forward Effect was modeling that it is possible to live a life you love, no matter your circumstances. The ability of our business to transform from Living Forward to Forward Effect was the result of finding those core values, the seeds of possibility that gave life to our work.
It’s no different in this new iteration – Suzanne fades back and I move forward. That early feeing in essence is still here – the desire to make a difference in the world through the work we do with our clients is steady.
Beginning now, stand in Level One for the next week, what do you notice?
For individual consultation contact lou@forwardeffectcoaching.com or call 815-404-7246