What Do You Believe?

Let’s keep it simple. One-line thoughts to carry you through the week. I Believe that I’m: Naturally Creative Resourceful and Whole, Responsible for Creating My Own Happiness, Learning and Growing with Every New Experience, Capable of Overcoming Adversity, Willing to Make Short-Term Sacrifices for Long Term Gains, Accountable for My Thoughts…

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Monday Moments – Cultivation

What we cultivate makes a difference in what we grow in our lives. This week cultivate only those things which will build you up, bring you strength and bring you joy. Join me every Monday to focus on tools to propel yourself forward in your personal development. Take a few minutes and consider this self care reminder as a gentle nudge to put yourself first.

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Cultivating Your Goals

Cultivation is yet another tool to use in human development. It sits right next to discipline and together they give you a powerful set of tools to help you grow yourself. However, the real question is what are you cultivating? I notice there are times when I cultivate blame or denial and feel weary. I wonder when I can quit this game of human development.

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Inner Gardening

We cannot exist without water and without heat and light, we cannot grow anything, even ourselves. As we greet April, how will light, heat and water grow the seeds you’ve been planting since January? How will you take a deep breath and enjoy the shifting season? Toss off the layers of winter and embrace the ways you will cultivate your development.

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Monday Moments – Rituals

Spring brings forward all manner of rituals. Spring Cleaning – sacred traditions and shedding winter woolens. Ready yourself for the next thing to come. Be observant – what did you learn during this pandemic? Think about what rituals you should keep and which ones you might want to let go. Be patient – be safe – and enjoy Spring. Plant hope and see what blooms.

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Spring Rituals

Across the globe people everywhere celebrate the changing of the season. In the USA we move  from the dark cold of winter to the sweet scent of Spring while in Australia they are readying for winter.  Everywhere the shifting seasons trigger a change in us – we can feel it. After six months of cool, then cold, bitter cold and deep snow, I am ready to toss…

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Monday Moments – Discipline

The tool this week is a hard one for me – it’s discipline. Discipline is the fuel that feeds your vision. Discipline is the muscle of doing ‘the thing’. I get easily distracted, so I made a commitment to myself. To create discipline make a commitment to YOUR goal. Find that one thing you will do everyday and strengthen that muscle until it becomes second nature to you.

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The First Tool – Desire

What do you desire? Money, health, friendships love, success, peace…anything and everything is possible when we drive the engine from inside. Using the Inside/Out model introduced in February we learned our values drive our choices beyond the circumstance. A willingness to open our minds and hearts to new ideas and adapt our choices…

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Monday Moments – Declutter

Spring is here and the urge to declutter is upon us. It’s time to look at the things that have been accumulating in the corners of your home and mind. Continue your journey to create a compelling vision to keep inside the goal you set for yourself. Create a clean physical space and manifest positive energy in your life by decluttering your thoughts to move towards your goals.

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Accountability or Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

The real metal of personal growth is discipline. Discipline is strengthened through (wait for it) accountability. There is no gain without the energy and transformational power of holding oneself accountable or being accountable to those around us. However, when I look at the antonym of accountability I see blameless. Let’s take the word blameless apart.

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For those who know their values – choices are easy

Webbs Norman was a beloved friend of mine. He died several years ago at a ripe age. And I miss him. I love him and return to his words often. I thought of Webbs when writing this post, as we move toward choice.
Nothing grates on me like these words, “I have no choice.”

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To Thy Own Self Be True

Discovering the path to my authentic Self took something. The pathway was strewn with boulders, potholes and debris, laid down over years of experience. Often the carnage from my life not only effected the present, it highjacked the future. There is a little snarky creature, waiting inside ready to happily take credit for keeping me and you trapped in a rut – The Gremlin.

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Monday Moments | Self Love

Are you doubting your self worth and feeling like you are not enough? This short clip will re-center your awareness and focus on the most important relationship in your life – the one you have with yourself. Take a few minutes and consider this self care reminder as a gentle nudge to put yourself first.

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Cupid Sling thy Mighty Arrow so that I may find love

February is Cupids big day. I pondered the many times I fell in and then quickly fell out of love. Those momentary flirts melted away, like winter ice when touched by the heat of the Sun - ever so brief. Shelves of chocolate, candies and cards beckon to us, is your...

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3 Levels of Reality – Part 4 – Fast Fail or What Stops You

Of course you’re going to fail. Anyone who takes risks, has big vision or thinks beyond the possible to the impossible is going to fail - expect it and be ready. Fast failing is letting go of what’s not working, move it out of your space – quickly. So often we are...

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3 Levels of Reality – Part 3 – Consensus Reality

I’m a dreamer, that’s for sure, yet the doing is where I struggle – that is unless it’s a powerful experience rooted in essence and partnered in the Dream. Often people have an idea or a need and quickly move to consensus reality, here’s an example. In our home…

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3 Levels of Reality – Part 2 – Dream

I’m a dreamer. I’m filled with millions of ideas– things I think about. My brain never shuts off. Truthfully it can make me a little crazy. Last week I introduced Level One – Essence. I love this space of feelings, full of dreams and wondrous vision. Thankfully most...

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3 Levels of Reality – Part 1 – Freedom

First, a short Tutorial. In my coaching discipline Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching, there is something called, The Three Levels of Reality. These are the levels that bring everything into existence. Foundational and  Level One is Essence – You feel...

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I Resolve – 2021 New Year’s Special

I Resolve - 2021 New Year's WebinarTime: 1 Hour– Includes individual debrief call with two certified coaches– December 28th from 6:30 pm -7:30 pm–  January 6th from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm 2020 presented itself with significant challenges for everyone. The year began with a...

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Building Resilient Teams Special Offer!

Building Resilient Teams - Using the REACH assessment, your team will choose to design a way of working together that triggers innovation, supports efficiency and generates curiosity and energy around achieving goals. High Performing Teams achieve best results when...

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