I’m a dreamer. I’m filled with millions of ideas– things I think about. My brain never shuts off. Truthfully it can make me a little crazy. Last week I introduced Level One – Essence. I love this space of feelings, full of dreams and wondrous vision. Thankfully most simply drift off into the ether. Sometimes, though, something sticks. In dream, we invite others to dream with us. We share an idea or plan. Those around us, contribute and the essence takes on texture. It’s here where the dream killers do their best work. I cannot count how many times I have been told to face reality. Or this one, Time to come down to earth. Better yet, It will never happen. The power of dream killers is they often sound like the voice of concern and reason, even love. We listen to them and deny our intuition and desires. However, if we listen deeply to ourselves and our heart and enroll people we trust in conversation, then the possibility of bringing something to life is encouraged.
In Level Two – Dream, Who are you allies? Who listens to you in your life as the possibility you are and respects your talents and gifts? Who are your trusted resources?
See here’s the thing, before you can kill the dream, consensus reality will determine how much you are willing or not willing to put at stake to achieve your dream and we are not there yet. We are still dreaming whatever it is up.
This week write out Level Two – Dream. What will the result be? What difference will this dream make in your life? What does the dream look like? What is the possible impact of the dream for others?
For individual consultation contact lou@forwardeffectcoaching.com or call 815-404-7246