I’m a dreamer, that’s for sure, yet the doing is where I struggle – that is unless it’s a powerful experience rooted in essence and partnered in the Dream. Often people have an idea or a need and quickly move to consensus reality, here’s an example. In our home we purchased what we thought was a well rated stove. It’s been nothing but trouble for three years. We decided after a failed Thanksgiving dinner it was time to purchase a new stove. Looking through the Best of 2020, had this conversation:
“Let’s talk about the stove.”
“Ok.” Sitting and having morning coffee it began with, “How much can we afford?”
“Wait, what are we looking for in a stove?”
“No, why do we want anew stove?”
“Because the oven does not work on this one.”
“No, Let’s talk from Level One – Essence.” There was some eye rolling at this point, my partner is also a coach.
“Seriously, from essence, what is it we are looking for? We are both great cooks, we love to eat good food, what is this in essence?”
“Ah, the joy of being in the kitchen, trying new recipes and working together to create healthy lively dishes. We are great bakers. The oven is disappointing when we do all that work and then the dish is ruined because of the oven.”
“Right, from essence, it’s the family meals we create and the generosity with our friends. It’s sharing the space together. It’s more than a stove right?”
“ Right.”
“Now moving to consensus reality – what can we afford that will make that happen?”
After some research and a conversation we found something that will reflect the energy of essence and support our dream. It was easier once we had a plan that reflected our dream.
Consensus reality does not have to be the place where dreams go to die. It can be the place where you create the plan that gets you moving forward, on the way to your dream. Maybe it’s a series of tiny steps, not leaps. Starting from Levels One & Two allow you to choose how aplan will look and what you are willing to do to make it happen.
Level Three, Consensus Reality is all about putting feet on your dreams and watching them walk. It’s about your Plan. Your plan is your map.
There’s a saying, “Plan you work, Work your Plan.” You know what the dream is and what it feels like, build your plan around that. Take small steps, be strategic, have ways to evaluate your progress and Fast Fails. Yes you heard me right – Fast Fails. That’s for next week. Check you actions each day, mark progress and plan changes. Document, document, document.
For individual consultation contact lou@forwardeffectcoaching.com or call 815-404-7246