Me_After RunOn October 11th of this year I ran and finished my first marathon: the Chicago Marathon. My time was 5:05:05. For those of you that have read my newsletter over the years, you know that running inspires me in countless ways. I am amazed at how many things have transformed and opened up in my life as a result of running. This goal feels different for me and while I’m still digesting all of the thoughts and emotions I’ve experienced in the past 4 months, there are a few things that have emerged.

In 2010 I ran my first Half Marathon. That was one of the hardest things I ever did and when I was done, I was in pain and exhausted, it did not feel victorious as I imagined it would. One month later when I was feeling better, I went to watch the Chicago Marathon and was so inspired by the people running in it, I remembered thinking “I wonder if I could run a full marathon.” I continued running in the Half Marathon for the next few years and each year was a little better. Then my brother in law ran in the Chicago Marathon. We went to cheer for him. I cried when I saw him run past and it was in that moment I began thinking about running in the Chicago Marathon.

At the same time I was adapting to a new job that involved significant travel and when I considered training for such a feat, I felt overwhelmed. Last year I decided to throw my hat in and signed up (Chicago uses a lottery system). I did not get selected to run and decided that was a good thing since I ended up not having the time. Last year I passed Half Marathon as well. I realized that I missed having a running goal, so this year I signed up for the Chicago Marathon and did not get in the lottery. I wanted in, so I signed up to run for Best Buddies of Illinois. It turned out to be a huge blessing.

As a charity runner I was automatically enrolled in CARA (Chicago Area Runners Association). They were amazing! CARA provided a training plan and I began running the long runs at Busse Woods in Schaumburg. There I met the most amazing group of people. Everyone had run marathons before. They supported and encouraged me throughout the summer. Most importantly they normalized the experience for me. They run because they love it. That inspires me!

I ran a personal best in a Half Marathon this summer. I ran farther and faster than I ever thought possible. I still traveled almost weekly, while also transitioning both of my daughters into new stages of their lives. It was a summer of tremendous change and movement in every area of my life.
As Run day came closer, I felt myself getting more nervous and an undercurrent of anxiety set in. It took energy and practice to stay present, which is one of the skills I gained from this summer. I would put the thought aside and keep running. In fact, the night before the race, I slept well and did not think too much about what I was about to do.

The morning of the Run was windy and dark. My husband and I left the house early and again my running group saved me from having to face this unknown alone. I walked to the starting corral with another running buddy and waited for it to begin. Once it did, it took me about 6 miles to relax, settle into the run, and find my pace.

In looking back the biggest victory is that I never once felt I would quit. During the Race I took in the drumlines that came out to cheer us on, the dancing mariachi musicians in Pilsen, the drag queens who “high fived” me, and all of the spectators with their awesome signs encouraging us to keep running. My favorite signs were the ones that said things like, “I’m proud of you random stranger” or “You’re my hero even though I don’t know you.” There were funny ones as well and personalized ones that felt like they were written for all of us.

What I was left with is this – an event like a marathon brings out the best in everyone. So many people were running for great causes. I overcame my physical barrier 5 years ago in the first Half Marathon when I didn’t yet know how much my body could take. Now I know and there is a new watermark to prove it. I am proud of what I accomplished and so grateful for my health, my family who loved and supported me, friends who cheered from afar and the new friends I met through my running group.

Yes, those of us who ran chose to run. We brought this challenge on ourselves. Others cheered us on and encouraged us for no personal gain; just a true desire to see people push themselves and accomplish a goal. I truly believed and felt like every spectator wanted me to succeed. That’s a powerful force and for me, it is how I like to think the world can be.

Thank you everyone for thinking of me, supporting me, and cheering for me. If I can do it, anyone can. I plan to keep running and you’re all invited. Just let me know when you want to run!