Life is a marathon, not a sprint. This is the phrase I have been saying over and over in my head for the past few months. This is probably because I was in training for a half-marathon and seriously considering a full one next year, so it is only fitting that my mindset is about running metaphors these days.
It is also helpful to me in other ways, especially when it comes to planning and “getting through stuff.” Planning something is easy: you set a goal, you create action steps and deadlines, and then you get to work. But life doesn’t always happen according to a plan. Kids or pets get sick, cars break down, banks make errors; whatever the case may be, you soon find yourself in the middle of something. In those moments, it is so hard to remember what it is you’re heading for or what your end goal is.
This is true for any area of your life: relationships, money, work, or fitness. Setting goals in any of those areas, or having a dream of what you want to have happen, takes time. In fact, everything takes time. To truly cultivate something real and lasting takes time.
You have time. I feel the sigh escaping my lips even as I write these words. Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and take your time.
By design, I am an impatient person. I probably should have been a sprinter when I was younger but, as I’ve grown older, I see the value in taking your time and that having a longer viewpoint is a much more sane approach. There are emergencies in life and times when you must move and act quickly, but the majority of things you have to do are not as urgent as you think. Being consistent and diligent is what actually pays off, not running from here to there in a hurry to do whatever it is you’re doing.
Even job searching and other situations that can make us feel desperate take time. Though this may seem like a counterintuitive way to think about things, surrendering to it and slowing down while moving through the steps can free up the needed energy to let something extraordinary happen.
Nature knows it. Watch a flower grow and bloom from seed to flower. It takes time. A mighty oak tree takes years to reach magnificent heights and develop a deep root system. It’s impossible to plant a tree today and have a huge shaded area tomorrow. It takes time. This may be hard to remember, especially in our ever-increasing, fast-paced world, but it is still possible. So the next time you feel the urge to feverishly move in some direction, think again, take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. You have time.