November 3rd, 2010
A Time for Thanks
It’s already November and we are nearing the American Holiday of Thanksgiving, which in my family is a time to reflect on what we are grateful and thankful for in our lives. Our tradition is to go around the table and everyone says what he or she is grateful for that year. We each light a candle as we take our turn. Everyone participates, even the youngest members in our family- as long as they can talk (smile).
In truth, this reflection should occur all year long.
For some it is a daily activity and there have been times in my life when it has been the structure I’ve used on a daily basis to help me through a difficult or challenging time. When done regularly, it becomes a powerful practice for transforming limiting beliefs as you reflect and give thanks for what you have, not wasting time wishing for something else or what’s missing.
It’s also a great time to reach out to those you may have not been in touch with lately. After all, it is one of the holidays where families gather, even families that are not close. We remember the ones that are no longer here and each holiday is a passing down or carrying on of a tradition, such as the one I shared above.
Let’s practice. Here is my list of the 10 things I’m grateful for.
I’m grateful for…
- My children and husband
- My extended family, sisters, parents, step-parents, brothers-in-law who have become my brothers, nieces and nephews
- My step-brothers and sisters and their spouses and children
- Great neighbors
- friends
- My home
- My career/profession
- My clients and colleagues in the coaching community
- My health
10. Being born in America
Even as I write this list I realize I can keep going. Some things are small and others are big. One thing I notice in my list is I tend to be grateful for the people and relationships in my life, not so much “stuff.” I am grateful for that as well. It affirms my inclination to be more relationship focused than focused on stuff. It also correlates with my intention over the past few years to give-away things and not replace them with more things. I’ve begun a practice of giving my books away- matching the book to the person. Sometimes it’s hard, and I’m ok with that.
So this Thanksgiving as I look back on another year and forward to a new one, it is the experiences and the people I will carry forward with me. This year has been an extraordinary one for me; then again, I always say that. Each year is more amazing than the next. I’m grateful for that as well.
What are you grateful for? Can you create a list of 10 things? I’d love to see people’s lists. If you get the chance please send them to me, or post them here in my blog. Let’s generate some energy of gratitude this year and savor the things we have and the people we love. It reminds me of this quote by Kahlil Gabran, “Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.” Go forward in love…