I Resolve – 2021 New Year’s Webinar
Time: 1 Hour
– Includes individual debrief call with two certified coaches
– December 28th from 6:30 pm -7:30 pm
– January 6th from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
2020 presented itself with significant challenges for everyone. The year began with a whisper and ended in a howl. Covid-19 has upended everything, the election had us on the edge and even if we had a plan it’s been filed away in the bottom drawer of whatever place we keep those things we never look at again.
Now the holiday season is upon us – differently. For many of our neighbors, customers and friends, the traditions we cherish, the people we love to gather with and all the sparkle that comes along with celebrating has dimmed.
It’s also the time of the year when we look back and then forward saying the words, I RESOLVE To, and we are truly intent on following through with “our resolutions.” Then comes March and the resolve, dissolves. Not intentionally; rather more like more it simply falls out of existence in our world, the energy that lifted us becomes a faded memory.
This year we propose the idea to Resolve for one month at a time, or one week at a time, or one day at a time, and while SMART goals are the way to design action and movement, what if you begin the year by Resolving to be resilient? Resolving to be Present? Then plan your activities from there.
Start the year off differently. Start the year off with a seasoned, experienced pair of coaches who understand the challenges we all are facing- and yet- determined to live forward into a future that we trust ourselves in, even when we don’t know the outcomes. COVID has changed everything and everyone- do not let 2020 be a year that broke you. Let it be the year that transformed you. Through I RESOLVE, Forward Effect Coaching can help.
For more information call 815-608-0252