“Spring is nature’s way of saying, Let’s party!” – Robin Williams
I walked into my garden and pondered what I noticed – weeds, green and plentiful. One day the ground was brown and barren, two days later, magically, the weeds appeared. They were brilliant and strong, disguised with tiny white flowers. I was not fooled.
I took my spaded shovel and dug in. No matter how attractive they first appeared, I knew, left unattended, they would flourish and take over the garden, strangling the flowers and vegetables. So, ruthlessly, I dug and pulled and hoed, until the soil was turned and the dark sweet earth waited for the sun.
Cultivation. Cultivation is yet another tool to use in human development. It sits right next to discipline and together they give you a powerful set of tools to help you grow yourself. However, the real question is what are you cultivating? I notice there are times when I cultivate blame or denial and feel weary. I wonder when I can quit this game of human development. I drag myself from one appointed task to another. The very place of “I’m done,” Creates the possibility of quitting. When I use vigor, discipline and determination, the outlook for success increases.
I know for myself it’s important to root out those defeating thoughts and manage my gremlins. That will spread throughout my being and sap my energy. Ruthless, and I do mean ruthless, cultivation is the only way to create a clearing that generates strength.
Often I wish this human development process was easier. That there would be a resting place. I would get it, the final piece. Life is not like that. Life presents us with new experiences every day. Life is full of promise and pitfalls. Balance is the single magical element that gets me through it all. I can be patient (another tool) with myself, remembering I am worthy of Love and capable of creating a life that fills me with joy.
Here are the tools we discovered throughout March and April; Self Love, Discipline, Journaling, Balance, Patience, Cultivation, and Compassion.
I would love to hear how these tools are working for you? Which tools do you like best? Which tools give you a better outcome? Notice how you feel when you turn up the soil of your life, feel the tug to grow or stay the same, and of course journal.
Next Week: Ordinary Time