I woke up this morning feeling stiff and edgy. I’ve been working out the last few weeks with a new routine and it’s been good because I’m noticing the difference, but I’ve also noticed it through more pain, changes in my sleep patterns and an overall feeling of discomfort. Before I became a coach I would have interpreted all of this to mean that I should change my exercise routine because it isn’t serving me.
Now however, I welcome the state of discomfort and edge. It means my whole body and mind are engaged in this experience, which is how real transformation happens. It is a process and it takes body, mind, and spirit to be fully engaged in order for amazing things to occur. It means one has to be awake and feeling with all of the senses, to the changes that are taking place.
Our bodies are made up of energy and matter. The same material that makes up the universe also makes up our bodies. The lifeblood that flows through our veins is the same for each person. We are connected and a part of something much bigger than our individual selves and that connection creates power which is available to all of us- not just some of us.
Accepting this as so and being open to the idea that anything is possible as a result of this truth, allows you to be more awake and alert to the universe and all it has to offer. Start noticing energy over the next few days. Pay attention to the people around you. Do they seem engaged and connected or disengaged and half asleep? Look within yourself for signs of similar behavior. Are you engaged or are you also walking around half asleep? When your muscles feel sore do you stretch them out or do you reach for pain-killers? Be aware of your actions and thoughts. Stay curious and in a questioning state. This is one action to becoming more awake to the Universe and if you want to change things in your life that are not working- this is a process to begin doing that.
There is a small space between ordinary and extraordinary. For many it is simply a different thought process, a way of being, not action and achievement. Are you curious? Begin to consider yourself as an extraordinary being- a miracle to be valued and one who has much to share. Start relating to yourself the way you want others to relate to you. It starts there. Wake up to the magnificence that is you!
For more insight into manifestation and the sentiments expressed in this post visit the following authors and sites.
Deepak Chopra: http://www.chopra.com/
Marianne Williamson: http://www.marianne.com/
Eckhart Tolle: http://www.eckharttolle.com/home/
Landmark Education: http://www.landmarkeducation.com/