Yes it is the end of August- I vow to be better about posting- in fact, I am planning on producing a weekly post sharing my adventures of travel and the many wonderful people I meet. For example, a few months ago, I flew to Boston for a training session and the...
Tuesday August 27, 2013 – Tuesday August 27, 2013 Kane County Chamber Office Map and Directions | Register Description:Hosting a free event to launch the new Living Forward LLC coaching company. There be a lot of new things to come and see. -New Professional and...
This year I planted lettuce in the first week of April like you’re supposed to. Lettuce needs cool soil and does not tolerate the heat too well, especially in the beginning of its germination. The ground was still cold, there was still the risk of frost, and the...
I often think about what I am going to write in this post, weeks before I actually write it. I find inspiration all around me and like to connect to the world when I finally put paper to pen. Sometimes though, something happens that changes even the most well...
What do you think when you read those words? I can feel the flutter in the pit of my stomach though I’m not sure if that’s nausea because the term gets so overused these days or if it’s because I shudder at the thought of getting too comfortable these days. They’re...
January 2013 Happy New Year! Is it still early enough to say that? It already feels like we’ve been in 2013 for awhile now, at least to me, and yet, the calendar tells me differently. The great thing about writing a blog or regular email, like Inspiration Station,...
What a difference a year makes! I want to start this post by saying I apologize for the long absence. To say I’ve been busy would be only a half truth. Yes I have been busy and it’s been as much about being busy as it has been about change. This has been a year of...
Like many people, I have a morning routine that prepares me for my day. I take some of the same steps everyday with one of those steps involving coffee. Imagine one morning when my routine was rumpled because we were out of milk. Milk in coffee is essential for me,...
I once read a quote by Kathryn Hepburn regarding love that went something like this: “Love is when you care more for the happiness of the other person than you do for your own.” She spent her life loving a man, Spencer Tracy, who was married and could not be with her...
Happy New Year everyone! I’ve started writing this post about 5 different times before the words I wanted to say actually came to me. This is such a great time of the year as things feel fresh and the whole year is laid out before us as a sea of possibility. I...