As I took stock of 2013 I was surprised at how much I accomplished, how many barriers I overcame, and how transformation and development continued as a part of my life. I learned for real this one thing – transformation never ends – we are never finished, always on the learning edge: exhausting sometimes!
I thought at some point I would know the golden rules and everything would fall into place. Sadly, no. That is not how it works. Life is a generative process, dying and birthing all at the same time.
Transformation is more or less painful depending on the level of growth you are about to experience.
Most significant in my life this year has been letting go – the art of forgiving myself and others for whatever pain or story that caused me pain or occurred in my life. I struggled with this idea and wondered when it would simply happen, when letting go would be like breathing. In and out, In and out.
Small stuff does drift away on a breeze and is cast off to the wind. Bigger stuff lingers in the shadows robbing me of joy, chewing on my heart until it bleeds and weeps – ugh – so painful and still light comes and relief waits. It waits for me to surrender to the art of letting go. Finally I give up whatever I am holding, let go and have peace.
Join Suzanne and I on Saturday January 25th 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Northern Kane County Chamber Office in Carpentersville, for a five hour course on “Forgiveness and the Art of Letting Go.” Explore how you are stopped by story, the role and energy of using conflict for transformation, the freedom of surrender and giving up, and the possibility of creating new and joyous paths in your life.
The course fee of $75.00 includes lunch, course materials and refreshments during the day. For more information on how to register please click on the link below and go to the Living Forward web site. Attendance is limited to 15.
If you want a life filled with curiosity, creativity and joy – this is the course for you, this would be one New Year’s resolution you want to keep!
Suzanne and I look forward to meeting you on January 25th, 2014. Until then, the team at Living Forward wishes you Peace and Prosperity in 2014
Blessings. Lou
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