Last Friday I ran my first 5K since October of last year.  I ran it on a treadmill in my basement listening to my Ipod.  It felt great!   As I was running I was thinking about all that has changed over the course of the last few years and how much of it is a direct result of stepping outside my comfort zone and getting into action. 

 This thought was significant for another reason and that is we have had one of the coldest and snowiest winters on record. Even had I wanted to run, I couldn’t have. Yes people do run even in the cold and snow and I am not one of those people.  I am too worried about falling to enjoy it and I dislike the cold.  So I use the time as down time to get other things done, knowing that when the time is right, I’ll start moving again. 

 This year is different for me though because this year I want to run a full marathon- specifically the Chicago Marathon in October and I am already aware of the clock ticking as we move towards the middle of February.  Running group backround imageRegistration opens on March 5th and I cannot wait.  I am so excited and I am aware that paying attention, eating right, and taking care of myself are going to be even more important as I move towards this next milestone.

 It only makes sense then that my life feels marked with action right now.  As usual, the decision to do something in one area has already shifted things in other areas: I’m focused, paying attention to details, setting and keeping all sorts of goals, and being true to myself all of which is manifesting in other ways around me as well.  It really is the Secret that is not so secret- our attitudes and subsequent actions shape our lives.  We truly get to choose and I reclaim this over and over.

 I don’t know what goals you’ve set for the year, I hope they are good ones that keep you motivated, inspired, and aiming for more of whatever it is you want out of your life.  I’ll leave you with this- create your own measuring stick, do not measure yourself against the measures of others.  Be bold and audacious and keep moving no matter how small a step you take. 

 So soon I’ll be running outside again, until then it’s to the basement I go.  

 Is a career or job change in your future?  My friend Eve’s book is now available in paperback for all of you who love the feel of print.  You can purchase her book on Amazon or through her site – Kailas Life Coaching  Set a goal to find a job you love- that is one worth setting.