Last week I wrote about the relevance of time and used running a marathon as a metaphor to describe it. It is about staying in the game for the long haul, which brings me to uncertainty. In many of my training classes that I facilitate all over the United States, people struggle with change and not knowing what the future will bring. The suffering that ensues can cause missed days, lower productivity, and a lack of morale in many organizations.

For this reason, much has been written on the power of resilience and being able to remain focused on the end goal. Living in fear of what might happen often stops people from pursuing bigger dreams and goals, which can ultimately lead to settling and apathy.

This brings me back to running. Running has taught me the power of following through and completing something. It has taught me how to dig deep into the well of my own personal power, even when I feel there is nothing left. It has also taught me to count on others to help carry me over the finish line, or to support me when I am sidelined by some illness or injury.

My answer to people who struggle with change is to create internal routines that are not bound by what happens outside of your control.  For example, create a routine of waking up early and reading, or meditating daily, or doing an activity that gives you a sense of order. This can help you to maintain your sense of balance when faced with changes outside of your control.

The reality is none that of us really know what will happen tomorrow. We can make plans and take steps towards a future that excites us, all while living a life of fulfillment and satisfaction; pursuing work that is meaningful; connecting with loved ones; and making a difference in the smallest of ways. It is important to accept that life comes with uncertainties without letting the fear of the unknown get in the way of a fulfilled life.