I started out this year without knowing the ending. Many of you know I ran for public office, inspired to run by what I saw as a lack of leadership from elected officials who have tipped the scales towards self-gain and stood less for the common good. I also saw a void in hope and promise for a better future. It felt like it was the right time to stand up and stand out- and that thought terrified me! I wrote about that feeling in January of this year and when I reread the post, I felt it all over again. I was so right about where I was at and where I knew I needed to go.
While I am still pondering in amazement at the journey, and where I ended up- I’m even more amazed that I find myself where I wanted to be: more grounded and certain that the course I’m on is the right one. I feel a true deep sense of alignment with my values and the work I find myself doing. It’s fulfilling in the most powerful way and it is what led me to this work- by that, I mean coaching- in the first place. In an effort to deepen learning and forward action, here are some of the highlights and lessons learned from this past year.
- If you’re going to step up in a big way, have the right people around you helping you and be clear about the kind of help you need. That happened in a big way. I ran for public office and my campaign team was dedicated, loyal, and matched to their skills. Their help in my efforts proved invaluable and I credit them for the win as much as for the people who voted for me. There were even members on my campaign team who couldn’t vote for me because they didn’t live in my district, but they believed in me and now that I’m elected, I represent all of the County, not just my district. If you are a leader in an organization, make sure you have the right people around you and that you match their skills to the role they’re in. It makes such a difference. Also, make sure they share your vision which means you have to have a vision. I was able to be vulnerable with my team and they held me up during the times when I felt small and wanted to hide. They reminded me of who I am and why I ran.
- Have a clear goal/vision and know why you’re doing whatever you’re doing. I was asked so many times why I was running and even though the words may have been a little different, the essence was always the same: to be a trusted voice that represents everyone. Interestingly that same essence is true for all of the work I do. Being trustworthy and treating everyone with respect runs deep in all of my work. Igniting the spark of curiosity in others inspires me and helping people connect to their deeper purpose is the most gratifying work I can think of. When people love their lives, they are so much more effective in everything they do. I created a new quote to describe this phenomenon: “We make the World a better place by becoming better versions of ourselves.”
- Which leads me to my third major take away for the year and that is self-care. Knowing that my schedule was going to get crazy, especially toward the end of the year, I spread the workout, which is highly unusual for me. I normally cram at the end, but I knew that wouldn’t work for an election so I started knocking on doors early, making connections, and triaging my energy. I made sure to take time for myself during the week and I practiced better self-care. Sometimes people around me had to remind me and I also had to let others take care of me. That was an important distinction especially in a culture where we’re taught to take care of ourselves: fierce independence.
- I was measured and consistent and stayed the course. I finally realized what wisdom and value I gained from running marathons. I needed the energetic kick in the pants that running long distance creates, in order to have this breakthrough. The mind/body connection is a real thing: you already know it in your head, but it also has to be true in your body. Moving does that. It also becomes an important part of growing our capacity.
- We exponentially grow as time goes on. I used to wonder how I’d be able to do everything I wanted to do and still have a life. I was afraid of taking too much on and not being able to handle it. By being in the process of intentionally growing and stretching, and allowing myself to be transformed, I discovered a bigger platform and more capacity inside of me. While I wish I had discovered that 20 years ago, I discovered it now and now is all we have. I have spent little time recently dwelling in the past- which is the 5th learning: get your shit handled so you can move forward in a big and powerful way, otherwise, it will keep showing up over and over….
I’ve earned some rest which I plan to enjoy and I do not intend to rest for too long. There is more to do and to become. I’m moving with great anticipation into the new year.