Spring Into Action:
With all of the work I’ve done in the past 6 months, I hadn’t noticed that I was growing until I looked up and realized that I had sstepped into a bigger game. Having MobileCoach™ out there now was a huge step for me. I’ve thought of many great ideas in the past, but I haven’t always followed through on them- this time I did and as soon as it happened, my gremlins and old fears resurfaced. I was completely unprepared for that. That’s usually how it happens though and even with knowing this it still surprised me.
For a few days my energy felt small and weak. I found myself stepping back and looking inside for some source or light. In this darkness I also knew that there were answers if I was willing to notice them. So I took some of my own advice and shared what I was experiencing with other people: people who know me and love and who were able to remind me of who I am and what I am up to. I also found myself repeating the words used by Nelson Mandela.
They are the opening lines in the movie, Invictus. “I am the master of my fate. I am the Captain of my soul.” The words come from a poem by William Ernest Henley (click here for the rest of the poem) and Nelson Mandela had this poem written on a scrap of paper in his cell while he served 27 years in prison. It was enough. It jolted me out of the darkness and I’m ever so grateful. I share this experience because I believe it is a common human experience to feel afraid when we do something big. I’ve always dreamed bigger than my life- it is a part of who I am. While not all of my dreams have come true, many have and I know that going for it increases the odds of success- there simply is no other way.
So spring is almost here in the Midwest of the US. The frozen ground is thawing and the spores buried in the soil are beginning to open so that in a short time, we will be gifted with the glorious color of life as bulbs become flowers. The tulips will be close to the first flowers to appear and every year I feel myself getting excited as I long for their arrival on the stage. I also use this time as a chance to tap into the energy that is all around us. As life springs forward, what will you bring to life in your own life? What have you been putting off through the long slumber of winter? It’s a great time to take on a new task or challenge. With the extra energy around us, anything is possible. Yeah for spring!