Let’s keep it simple. One-line thoughts to carry you through the week.
I Believe that I’m:
- Naturally Creative Resourceful and Whole
- Responsible for Creating My Own Happiness
- Learning and Growing with Every New Experience
- Capable of Overcoming Adversity.
- Willing to Make Short-Term Sacrifices for Long Term Gains
- Accountable for My Thoughts, Words and Deeds
- Connected to the Great Web of Life Around Me
- Strong Enough to Change the World and those around me
To the Best of My Ability I:
- Know and Live My Values and Principles on a Daily Basis
- Understand that My Words and Actions Impact Others for Good or for Ill
- Accept that My Attitude can Permeate All Life Around Me
- Live in Right Relationship with Others
- Say What I will Do and Do What I Say
- Am My Word
When I am in right relationship with myself, I am capable, strong and inspiring, bringing light, joy and possibility into my life and the lives of others.
Blessed Be