You’re enough. You’re smart enough, strong enough, capable enough, and beautiful enough. You’re enough. Do you believe me yet? This time of year it’s so easy to get stuck in the not enough trap. There’s not enough money, daylight (this one just happens to be true:), work, presents, time etc. I feel the energy of not enough all around me. There isn’t enough human compassion, shelter space, or workers to assist all of the people in need. It’s easy to get trapped into this way of thinking. While I have done hundreds of hours of coaching, personal development, and study, I still feel the tug this thinking has on humanity and when I’m tired or stressed, it’s easy to believe it’s true.
But it’s not true. The truth is you’re enough just as you are. You may want more or want things to be different and you are enough in this moment of time. Notice the difference in energy when thinking you’re enough vs. thinking you’re not. I often wonder at how different the world would be if everyone felt that sense of satisfaction for who they are, loved themselves and others as they are, and didn’t spend so much time and energy trying to change someone or a situation in order to fill the endless cup of “not enough.” So my challenge to everyone this week is to meditate or take a minute or two each day to recognize and honor yourself for where you are right now. If you are not satisfied, figure out what you would want to do to change it. What do you have control over? Change those things and let go of the rest. For more on how to bring this thinking into your life, read “The Soul of Money” by Lynne Twist. It will inspire you and help debunk the myth that there is not enough.