Webbs Norman was a beloved friend of mine. He died several years ago at a ripe age. And I miss him. I love him and return to his words often. I thought of Webbs when writing this post, as we move toward choice. Nothing grates on me like these words, “I have no...
Discovering the path to my authentic Self took something. The pathway was strewn with boulders, potholes and debris, laid down over years of experience. Often the carnage from my life not only effected the present, it highjacked the future. There is a little snarky...
February is Cupids big day. I pondered the many times I fell in and then quickly fell out of love. Those momentary flirts melted away, like winter ice when touched by the heat of the Sun – ever so brief. Shelves of chocolate, candies and cards beckon to us, is...
Of course you’re going to fail. Anyone who takes risks, has big vision or thinks beyond the possible to the impossible is going to fail – expect it and be ready. Fast failing is letting go of what’s not working, move it out of your space – quickly. So often we...
I’m a dreamer, that’s for sure, yet the doing is where I struggle – that is unless it’s a powerful experience rooted in essence and partnered in the Dream. Often people have an idea or a need and quickly move to consensus reality, here’s an example. In our home we...
I’m a dreamer. I’m filled with millions of ideas– things I think about. My brain never shuts off. Truthfully it can make me a little crazy. Last week I introduced Level One – Essence. I love this space of feelings, full of dreams and wondrous vision. Thankfully most...
First, a short Tutorial. In my coaching discipline Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching, there is something called, The Three Levels of Reality. These are the levels that bring everything into existence. Foundational and Level One is Essence – You feel...
I Resolve – 2021 New Year’s WebinarTime: 1 Hour– Includes individual debrief call with two certified coaches– December 28th from 6:30 pm -7:30 pm– January 6th from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm 2020 presented itself with significant challenges for everyone. The year...
Building Resilient Teams – Using the REACH assessment, your team will choose to design a way of working together that triggers innovation, supports efficiency and generates curiosity and energy around achieving goals. High Performing Teams achieve best results...